It's Friday, January 18th, and D&O Lighting is proud to announce a new partnership between D&O Lighting and a training video studio in Bangkok, Thailand. D&O Lighting collaborated with this studio to outfit all of their lighting needs entirely with D&O Lighting 180W Pro Bi Color LED Panels
You can look at a few shots we got of the place with our 180W Pro Bi Color LED Panels being proudly displayed! Do you see the new LCD screens? Yeah, we did that. If you're not impressed yet, look all the way down to the bottom and you'll get a treat.
Fig. 1; As you can see here, our lights are able to be utilized as multifunctional fill in lights for a small studio space.
Fig. 2; Does your studio have a larger space? We got you covered.
Fig. 3; All 25 of these guys do.
Fig. 4; Ditto
Fig. 5; Do you frequently host a show? These lights will perfectly light up your studio (and all its contents) with a beautiful/accurate cool white or warm tungsten light.
Fig. 6; This guy knows what's up
At D&O Lighting we believe that quality technology should be available to small and large studios alike, and with our 180W Bi Color LED Panels, what could go wrong? Oh and a spec sheet? Yeah... we got that.
Fig. 7 You'll see here that we still have our older version in stock, "When might you get the new ones in stock?" You might ask... We will have a firm date soon, for now only specialty orders (10+ lights), but be sure to look out for it on YouTube soon. For a limited time, we have our current 180W Pro Bi Color LED Panels (with knobs, no LED Screens) for Buy One Get One Half Off! Scroll down for more.
Click here to buy our 180W LED Panel.
Insert this Buy One Get One Half Off Code Upon Checkout: HALF OFF LIGHT
Thank you from the D&O Lighting Team!
Colin & John
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